Dive Into flockx

May 20, 2023/1 minute reading
lake dock people diving in

It’s officially summer and we're thrilled to announce some exciting new features that will enhance your experience on the flockx mobile app and make it even easier for you to discover activities and connect with vibrant communities. Let's dive right in!

Search Activities by Relevance or Community:

We understand that finding the right activities can be a game-changer for your social calendar. With our latest update, you now have the power to search activities based on your preferences. Simply toggle between "Current Activities" and "Communities" on the home screen to explore activities by relevance or specific communities. Whether you're looking for a concert, a sports event, or a local gathering, flockx has you covered!

Join Multiple Communities to Springboard Your Profile:

We believe that being part of diverse communities can unlock incredible opportunities for connection and discovery. With our updated app, you have the ability to join multiple communities simultaneously if you aren’t currently a part of any communities. By expanding your community network, you can immerse yourself in a wider range of interests, discover new events, and connect with like-minded individuals. So if you haven’t joined a community yet, take this opportunity to springboard your profile into the vast flockx universe and uncover endless possibilities!

flockx is committed to providing you with a seamless and personalized experience. These new features aim to empower you to navigate the app with ease and discover activities that truly align with your interests.

Join the flockx community today and unlock a world of exciting activities and vibrant communities that are waiting to be discovered. Update your app now to enjoy these new features and embark on your next adventure!

Stay connected, stay engaged, and let flockx be your guide to a world of unforgettable experiences.